Parent-Teacher Organization
What is the PTO?
The Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) serves as a source of community building, spiritual enrichment, friendship, and volunteer opportunities at Saint John School, and is primarily responsible for raising funds to support school programs and needs not covered by tuition.
Who is part of the PTO?
If you are a Saint John School parent, guardian, caregiver, teacher, or staff member, then you already are a member of the PTO! Every parent and teacher at Saint John School are PTO members and are encouraged to attend the monthly meetings as well as committee meetings.
PTO Meetings
The PTO meets the second Tuesday of every month during the school year at 8:30 a.m. via Zoom. PTO meetings include updates about events as well as discussion of other needs of the school community. The entire SJS Community is welcome to attend monthly meetings and committee meetings. PTO MEETING AGENDAS AND MINUTES CAN BE FOUND HERE!
How can you become involved?
The school needs your help!
Being an active member of SJS not only benefits the school and the children, but also is a rewarding experience for you! It's a great opportunity to build friendships, meet new people, and make a positive impact.
our leadership team
Co - Presidents: Kellye O'Brien & Ashley Quates
Vice President: Katherine Lucas
Treasurer: Bryan Belton
Secretary: Open
Communications: Open
Volunteer Coordinator: Open