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The Saint John the Evangelist School is an expression of the educational mission of the St. John the Evangelist Parish and of the Archdiocese of Boston. The Pastor is the spiritual leader of the Parish and is responsible to the Bishop for the administration of the total parish, including the parish school. The Principal is responsible to the Pastor and is the spiritual and instructional leader and the chief administrator of the School.
The Saint John the Evangelist School Advisory Board is a consultative body whose role is to offer advice and assistance to the Pastor and Principal, particularly in the area of long-range, strategic planning. In so doing, the Advisory Board assists in fulfilling the mission of the School and in moving the School forward towards the Pastor and Principal’s vision for the School.  Overall, the objective of the Advisory Board is to facilitate the academic and spiritual development and growth of the members of the School community.


Leadership 2023-24
Saint John School Advisory Board
Katie Jarvis, Chair
Susan Calcio 
Martin Fantozzi 
Michael Haskell
Isioma Chukwu
Julia Ryoo
Jennifer Zammitt
Bryan Belton
Kevin Loftus

Fr. James Laughlin, Pastor, St. John-St. Paul Collaborative, ex officio 

Siobhan Mahoney, Principal, Saint John School, ex officio

Jackie Welham, Director of Finance, ex officio