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Our Covid Response

September 25, 2020
By Pricipal Mahoney
On Thursday, September 24th, we were alerted that a Saint John School staff member has tested positive for COVID-19. We want to thank our entire community for your thoughtful responses, clarifying questions and prayers. It is imperative we all work together towards the common goal of mitigating the spread of COVID-19. 
Given the announcement that our 5th and 6th grades will be remote due to exposure to a SJS staff member who tested positive for Covid-19, we want to provide further clarification on several topics:
  • All 5th and 6th grade students who had class with the Covid-19 positive teacher at school Monday-Wednesday, September 21st to 23rd need to quarantine for 14 days from the date of their exposure.    
  • Importantly, these 5th and 6th grade students should NOT participate in any sports or other extra-curricular activities (games, practices, classes, meetings or events) while during their quarantine period.
  • Family members of these students, including siblings who attend SJS or other schools, do not need to quarantine because they did not have direct exposure to Covid-19, unless their student tests positive.
  • Siblings and family members may continue with school, sports and other activities unless the 5th or 6th grader in your household begins to show symptoms of Covid-19.  
There have been questions about Covid-19 testing and the impact of testing on the status of these students. 
  • The CDC recommends that a close contact (i.e., the 5th/6th grade students) be tested.  With their exposure between 9/21-9/23, the best time for testing would be around September 25-28. 
  • However, even if the Covid-19 test is negative, your child must still remain in quarantine and must NOT participate in any sports or extracurricular activities for 14 days.  
  • You must keep your exposed student in quarantine, regardless of a negative result, because it can take up to 14 days for Covid-19 symptoms to appear after exposure. 
Principal Mahoney


We recognize the challenges that this situation places on the SJS community.  We hope this clarification provide the appropriate guidance to ensure the health and well-being of the SJS and broader communities.

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