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COVID Response

Saint John School

Opening of School Information

as of 8/26/2021

Please note, the below information will be amended as needed based on available health information and covid case data.

Mask wearing

Per the mandate by the Archdiocese of Boston, universal mask wearing is mandatory for both unvaccinated individuals and vaccinated who are aged 5 or older. Mask wearing will be strongly encouraged for students aged 4 and younger. Masks are not required when outside of the school building. The Archdiocesan mask requirement will be in place until October 1, 2021, at which time the Archdiocese will consider modifications.



DESE will fund school wide testing for the SJS school community for the 2021-2022 school year. We will conduct weekly pooled testing every Wednesday with our first round of testing on September 8th. We also will have BinaxNow on hand for any symptomatic students or to test students as needed due to exposure. The testing will continue through the 2021 calendar year or until further communication by the administration. Additional information will be sent out regarding our testing program and how to consent for your student to test.


All classrooms and office spaces have hospital grade air purifiers. Additionally, all classrooms have windows that will be used for natural ventilation.

Hand Hygiene

Students will continue to have regular opportunities to wash their hands as well as hand sanitizer placed all around the building. 

Drop off Procedures:

Under the current guidelines, we have seen a marked decrease in the spread of common illnesses (colds, flu, etc.) for both students and staff. We found that the current drop off and pick up routine was adopted well by all of our students and we believe it would be disruptive to dramatically change this protocol at this time. Our experience this year with outside drop off/pick up has also dramatically decreased disruptions and interruptions in our classrooms, while increasing productive learning time.
Drop off will remain live, meaning no cars can be parked in the parking lot for parents to walk their students in. 
K-6: Drop off is from 7:30am - 7:45am
PreS-PreK: Drop off is from 7:30-8:00am
Grades PS - 6  may be dropped off via the drop off car line in the parking lot. 
If walking to drop off or if you want to park and walk your student to the school door, you may utilize the Ledyard Street Door

Pick up Procedures:

We will continue the pick up procedures as they previously operated. 
If driving, parents must remain in their cars and have their student’s names displayed in the windshield - laminated car signs will be provided and sent home on the first day of school. To ease dismissal on the first day of school dismissal, please display the prior year sign or write your last name and student grades on a piece of paper and display it on your windshield. 
If walking, parents should stand in line at the Ledyard Street door with their student sign for easy ID.
Parents and guardians should be walking to pick up their students. Parking on Ledyard Street is still prohibited. If you need to park please use Columbia Street, Washington Street or Glen Road.

Visitor Policy

All visitors to the school must be by appointment only.  Please use the Ledyard Street entrance and check in to the main office to sign in and receive your visitor’s pass.  If dropping off materials or belongings for your child, please ring the bell at the Ledyard Street entrance and someone will assist you.

Volunteer Policy

We will be welcoming volunteers into the building on a limited basis. To be eligible to volunteer, a CORI form must be completed. A CORI form can only be completed at school in the presence of a designated school representative (Mrs. Greco, Mrs. Mahoney). It takes time for the CORI forms to be processed and cleared and so the sooner you complete your CORI form, the better. You will need to present your license to complete the form. Additionally, all volunteers must be VIRTUS trained.


We plan to offer the Hot Lunch program (4 days per week) that is managed by the school starting on September 20th. The hot lunch offerings will be shared in August for families to sign up. We have partnered with Comella’s restaurant  and the food items will be packaged in individual portions. Students in grades 1-6  will be eating in the cafeteria. More information regarding the menu and sign ups will be shared via email soon.


At this point in time there are no travel restrictions and/or quarantine requirements for students who travel within the United States.